30 Before 30: Final Installment of the Dirty Thirty Bucket List

There are so many things I want to accomplish in my life and sometimes it can be hard to keep track. I have been working on making a list of things I want to achieve before my 30th birthday to help me organize my plans. With any luck, this will help me check things off my list and prioritize my dreams.

If you’re just tuning in be sure to catch up by checking out the original 30 Before 30 with 1-10 and my second installment with 11-20.

21. Volunteer. I used to volunteer quite a bit in high school and college, but have not done much since transitioning to life as an adult. It always feels good to give back and know that you’ve made a difference.

22. Start a retirement fund. This seems like a mighty practical thing that should not be put off too long. I don’t really want to work until I die.


23. Test drive (and possibly buy) a Camaro. This is my dream car. I sure love my Mini Cooper, but I really wanted a Camaro.

24. Celebrate New Year’s Eve somewhere awesome. Times Square sounds absolutely awful to me. Maybe some place like New Orleans where it will be warmer and still have a great party atmosphere.

25. Buy a pair of fabulous designer shoes. Louboutins? Brian Atwoods? Valentino? I have a slight obsession with the rock stud line by Valentino…


26. Have a baby. I would love to start a family soon. I have a tiny sense of urgency due to my endometriosis.

27. Give back to my parents.  They have done so much to support me for my whole life; I would love to give them something special.

28. Fix up our house or move.  As homeowners, there is a never-ending list of to-dos: put up a fence, raise the garage, waterproof the basement, run electrical in the basement, etc. These things all cost money that would likely not give our home an increased value for resale, but we want them finished in order to be happy here.

29. Learn how to sew. My mom gave me her old sewing machine yet I haven’t used it. I would love to make things like curtains or pillow covers for my home and even make some of my own clothes.

30. Enjoy each and every day to the fullest. It is important to be mindful of each moment and see the beauty all around us. I made this list to plan for my future, but I also hope to stop and take in the present.

What are your goals for the next five years?

– C